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美国原版ESL教材On Our Way to English配套分级读物GK-G6 188册全彩PDF MP3音频 百度云网盘下载

On Our Way to English配套分级读物GK-G6



On Our Way to English是美国专门给母语非英语的孩子编写的教材,包含GK-G6各年级的全学科内容。但这套教材实际是以Level作为等级划分,从LevelA-T共16个级别,每个级别都分别包含Fiction、Math、Science、Social四大学科,全部都带有配套教材和音频,可作为1-6年级孩子课外阅读教材使用。
On Our Way to English是由霍顿米扶林哈考特集团出版的一套语言课程,符合美国课程体系标准。本套课程通过大量的阅读素材和基础词汇为学生的启蒙语言课程铺平了道路。就像语言专家Lydia所讲,“学生需要通过大量的故事、诗篇及有意义的文章进行听和讨论。”


On Our Way to English的教学理念是“engage(吸引)challenge(挑战)、soar(腾飞)”,核心是承诺给每位学生带来丰富的、文化性的语言学习环境,学生除了收获新的想法、技能和策略外,还会阅读活动中发现自己,并且发自内心地想去参与到学习中去。


配套分级阅读分四个阶段,为Fiction(Levels A-B)、Early(level C-F)、Early Fluency(level J-M)、Fluency(level N-T),分别对应的大概为GK级、G1-G3级、G3-G5级、G4-6级。还拥有全部4个阶段的全部PDF和音频,培养孩子提高阅读水平。


——/1亲子幼儿/14学科英语/【多课吧DOC8.com-2894】美国原版ESL教材On Our Way to English配套分级读物GK-G6 188册全彩PDF MP3音频 百度云网盘下载/

├──grade 1~grade 3 level C-F.rar 309.87M
├──grade 3~grade 5 Level J-M.rar 638.45M
├──grade 4~grade 6 Level N.rar 287.97M
├──grade 4~grade 6 Level O.rar 321.16M
├──grade 4~grade 6 Level P.rar 256.01M
├──grade 4~grade 6 Level Q.rar 258.07M
├──grade 4~grade 6 Level R.rar 293.48M
├──grade 4~grade 6 Level S.rar 138.17M
├──grade 4~grade 6 Level T.rar 191.42M
├──grade K~level A-B.rar 171.35M
├──OnOurWayToEnglish_G1.exe 44.85M
├──OnOurWayToEnglish_G2.exe 63.07M
├──OnOurWayToEnglish_G3.exe 75.34M
├──OnOurWayToEnglish_G4.exe 126.87M
├──OnOurWayToEnglish_G5.exe 119.56M
└──OnOurWayToEnglish_GK.exe 39.52M

——/2024 Update/2894D On Our Way to English Readers GK+G1-G6 Level A-T PDF Books+MP3 Audios Download/

├──grade 1~grade 3 level C-F

| ├──C-fiction
| | ├──Chico
| | ├──Helping Each Other
| | ├──This Is My Family
| | └──Time to Go
| ├──C-math
| | ├──2, 4, 6, 8 Legs
| | ├──Fun Days
| | └──Isabel's Day
| ├──C-science
| | ├──Animals Go Home
| | ├──Casey's Lamb
| | └──I Have Five Senses
| ├──C-social
| | ├──Kids Can Be Safe
| | ├──Our Flag
| | └──What Is It Like Today
| ├──D-fiction
| | ├──Cold Day, Hot Chocolate
| | └──Pablo's Fiesta
| ├──D-math
| | └──That Is Math
| ├──D-science
| | └──Planting and Growing
| ├──D-social
| | └──In the Rain
| ├──E-fiction
| | ├──A Kitten for Kate
| | ├──I Speak English and Chinese
| | ├──Omar's Surprise
| | └──Will You Play with Me
| ├──E-math
| | ├──A Yummy Snack
| | └──That Is Symmetry
| ├──E-science
| | ├──Silvia Hops Home
| | └──Water
| ├──E-social
| | ├──Chile Peppers
| | └──Making a Park
| ├──F-fiction
| | ├──Diego's Moving Day
| | ├──Grandma's Birthday
| | ├──Mom's Salsa Garden
| | └──Ready, Set, Pedal
| ├──F-math
| | ├──Carla's Bookcase
| | └──We Can Measure
| ├──F-science
| | ├──A Dictionary of Space
| | └──What Do We Need
| └──F-social
| | ├──Classroom Rules
| | └──Where Are the Monkeys

├──grade 3~grade 5 Level J-M

| ├──Early Fluency Level J - Fiction
| | ├──A Big Mess
| | ├──Lucky Socks
| | ├──Pen Pals
| | ├──The Mystery of the Clever Cat
| | ├──A Big Mess.pdf 9.92M
| | ├──Lucky Socks.pdf 18.42M
| | ├──Pen Pals.pdf 13.85M
| | └──The Mystery of the Clever Cat.pdf 9.09M
| ├──Early Fluency Level J - Math
| | ├──Corn Bread for Everyone
| | ├──Feeding the Otters
| | ├──Corn Bread for Everyone.pdf 11.05M
| | └──Feeding the Otters.pdf 4.17M
| ├──Early Fluency Level J - Science
| | ├──Plants We Use
| | ├──What Is Gravity
| | ├──Plants We Use.pdf 9.35M
| | └──What Is Gravity.pdf 11.58M
| ├──Early Fluency Level J - Social Studies
| | ├──A Day in the Life of a Computer
| | ├──A New Year Called Tet
| | ├──A Day in the Life of a Computer.pdf 8.21M
| | └──A New Year Called Tet.pdf 12.59M
| ├──Early Fluency Level K - Fiction
| | ├──Dora's Soapbox Car
| | ├──Hiking Together
| | ├──Noises in the Night
| | ├──Teamwork Saves the Day
| | ├──The New Class Pet
| | ├──Yun's Visit
| | ├──Dora's Soapbox Car.pdf 12.40M
| | ├──Hiking Together.pdf 9.94M
| | ├──Noises in the Night.pdf 10.73M
| | ├──Teamwork Saves the Day.pdf 11.58M
| | ├──The New Class Pet.pdf 12.90M
| | └──Yun's Visit.pdf 10.80M
| ├──Early Fluency Level K - Math
| | ├──Carlota's Cooking Class
| | ├──How to Make Paper
| | ├──The Night of the Pumpkins
| | ├──Carlota's Cooking Class.pdf 8.35M
| | ├──How to Make Paper.pdf 7.95M
| | └──The Night of the Pumpkins.pdf 11.48M
| ├──Early Fluency Level K - Science
| | ├──Amazing Lasers
| | ├──Tarantulas
| | ├──The Power of the Wind
| | ├──Amazing Lasers.pdf 9.79M
| | ├──Tarantulas.pdf 12.38M
| | └──The Power of the Wind.pdf 8.72M
| ├──Early Fluency Level K - Social Studies
| | ├──Biking Safely
| | ├──But I Want It
| | ├──From Texas to California
| | ├──Biking Safely.pdf 8.47M
| | ├──But I Want It.pdf 11.84M
| | └──From Texas to California.pdf 12.30M
| ├──Early Fluency Level L - Fiction
| | ├──A Ship Is Coming
| | ├──Eva's Lost and Found Report
| | ├──Grasshopper Learns a Lesson
| | ├──Practice Makes Perfect
| | ├──The Legend of the Bluebonnet
| | ├──The Sparrow's Gift
| | ├──A Ship Is Coming.pdf 9.96M
| | ├──Eva's Lost and Found Report.pdf 9.88M
| | ├──Grasshopper Learns a Lesson.pdf 9.45M
| | ├──Practice Makes Perfect.pdf 11.12M
| | ├──The Legend of the Bluebonnet.pdf 12.30M
| | └──The Sparrow's Gift.pdf 9.28M
| ├──Early Fluency Level L - Math
| | ├──Hoops
| | ├──Our Garden
| | ├──The Craft Stick Project
| | ├──Hoops.pdf 11.18M
| | ├──Our Garden.pdf 12.64M
| | └──The Craft Stick Project.pdf 8.25M
| ├──Early Fluency Level L - Science
| | ├──A Dream Comes True
| | ├──From the Lake to Your Faucet
| | ├──The Wonderful Water Cycle
| | ├──A Dream Comes True.pdf 12.47M
| | ├──From the Lake to Your Faucet.pdf 11.96M
| | └──The Wonderful Water Cycle.pdf 10.64M
| ├──Early Fluency Level L - Social Studies
| | ├──The Farm Workers' Friend
| | ├──The Statue of Liberty
| | ├──Traveling in America
| | ├──The Farm Workers' Friend.pdf 9.56M
| | ├──The Statue of Liberty.pdf 13.10M
| | └──Traveling in America.pdf 10.01M
| ├──Early Fluency Level M - Fiction
| | ├──A Change in Plans
| | ├──A Job for a Day
| | ├──Away from Home
| | ├──Fun for Everyone
| | ├──The Key
| | ├──The New Pen
| | ├──A Change in Plans.pdf 17.44M
| | ├──A Job for a Day.pdf 15.38M
| | ├──Away from Home.pdf 16.13M
| | ├──Fun for Everyone.pdf 13.13M
| | ├──The Key.pdf 13.16M
| | └──The New Pen.pdf 15.39M
| ├──Early Fluency Level M - Math
| | ├──Building a Doghouse
| | ├──Shapes Around the World
| | ├──Too Many Tickets
| | ├──Building a Doghouse.pdf 15.82M
| | ├──Shapes Around the World.pdf 15.14M
| | └──Too Many Tickets.pdf 12.14M
| ├──Early Fluency Level M - Science
| | ├──An Encyclopedia of Animals
| | ├──An Encyclopedia of Fossils
| | ├──Our Changing Earth:An Encyclopedia of Landforms
| | ├──An Encyclopedia of Animals.pdf 12.94M
| | ├──An Encyclopedia of Fossils.pdf 15.75M
| | └──Our Changing Earth:An Encyclopedia of Landforms.pdf 19.24M
| └──Early Fluency Level M - Social Studies
| | ├──Benita's Plan
| | ├──Exploring the World
| | ├──Growing up Abenaki
| | ├──Benita's Plan.pdf 17.88M
| | ├──Exploring the World.pdf 19.01M
| | └──Growing up Abenaki.pdf 17.76M

├──grade 4~grade 6 Level N

| ├──Fluency Level N - Fiction
| | ├──Did You Hear
| | ├──Dora's Decision
| | ├──Finding Talent
| | ├──Getting to Know Your Neighbors
| | ├──Quiz Show
| | ├──Rosa's Rebozo
| | ├──Did You Hear.pdf 21.87M
| | ├──Dora's Decision.pdf 20.27M
| | ├──Finding Talent.pdf 18.96M
| | ├──Getting to Know Your Neighbors.pdf 25.89M
| | ├──Quiz Show.pdf 16.76M
| | └──Rosa's Rebozo.pdf 18.36M
| ├──Fluency Level N - Math
| | ├──Billions of Bugs
| | ├──Roberto Clemente
| | ├──Save the Birds
| | ├──Billions of Bugs.pdf 16.84M
| | ├──Roberto Clemente.pdf 15.10M
| | └──Save the Birds.pdf 39.62M
| ├──Fluency Level N - Science
| | ├──Celia's Gift
| | ├──My Frog Log
| | ├──My Science Project
| | ├──Celia's Gift.pdf 13.52M
| | ├──My Frog Log.pdf 17.88M
| | └──My Science Project.pdf 16.03M
| └──Fluency Level N - Social Studies
| | ├──Ben Franklin:A Man with Many Talents
| | ├──The History of Guitars
| | ├──The Midnight Ride of Sybil Ludington
| | ├──Ben Franklin:A Man with Many Talents.pdf 17.25M
| | ├──The History of Guitars.pdf 16.98M
| | └──The Midnight Ride of Sybil Ludington.pdf 19.27M

├──grade 4~grade 6 Level O

| ├──Fluency Level O - Fiction
| | ├──Grandma's Project
| | ├──Mr. Kean's Garden
| | ├──The First Rainbow:A Zapotec Myth
| | ├──The Goat and the Rock:A Tale from Tibet
| | ├──The Mystery of the Missing Book
| | ├──The Rainy Day Adventure
| | ├──Grandma's Project.pdf 34.86M
| | ├──Mr. Kean's Garden.pdf 35.57M
| | ├──The First Rainbow:A Zapotec Myth.pdf 21.97M
| | ├──The Goat and the Rock:A Tale from Tibet.pdf 23.14M
| | ├──The Mystery of the Missing Book.pdf 25.12M
| | └──The Rainy Day Adventure.pdf 38.82M
| ├──Fluency Level O - Math
| | ├──As Time Goes By
| | ├──Pandas Are Coming
| | ├──The Dreamer Behind the Dome:Judge Roy Hofheinz
| | ├──As Time Goes By.pdf 12.63M
| | ├──Pandas Are Coming.pdf 18.70M
| | └──The Dreamer Behind the Dome:Judge Roy Hofheinz.pdf 17.56M
| ├──Fluency Level O - Science
| | ├──Gabrielle Lyon and the Fossil Hunt
| | ├──Volcano Man
| | ├──Where Are the Prairie Dogs
| | ├──Gabrielle Lyon and the Fossil Hunt.pdf 18.65M
| | ├──Volcano Man.pdf 13.84M
| | └──Where Are the Prairie Dogs.pdf 18.07M
| └──Fluency Level O - Social Studies
| | ├──Ask the Veterinarians
| | ├──Dorothea Lange:Faces of the Great Depression
| | ├──San Antonio:The River City
| | ├──Ask the Veterinarians.pdf 13.69M
| | ├──Dorothea Lange:Faces of the Great Depression.pdf 12.53M
| | └──San Antonio:The River City.pdf 15.49M

├──grade 4~grade 6 Level P

| ├──Fluency Level P - Fiction
| | ├──Boundaries Washed Away
| | ├──The Math Master
| | ├──Trouble on the Trail
| | ├──Why the Moon Is Ivory:A Vietnamese Folktale
| | ├──Boundaries Washed Away.pdf 46.70M
| | ├──The Math Master.pdf 29.66M
| | ├──Trouble on the Trail.pdf 20.89M
| | └──Why the Moon Is Ivory:A Vietnamese Folktale.pdf 30.65M
| ├──Fluency Level P - Math
| | ├──The Skateboarders' Club
| | ├──The Summer Party
| | ├──The Skateboarders' Club.pdf 26.56M
| | └──The Summer Party.pdf 16.58M
| ├──Fluency Level P - Science
| | ├──Ouch
| | ├──Water All Around the Earth
| | ├──Ouch.pdf 21.27M
| | └──Water All Around the Earth.pdf 23.03M
| └──Fluency Level P - Social Studies
| | ├──Our Journey
| | ├──Working for the Government
| | ├──Our Journey.pdf 20.20M
| | └──Working for the Government.pdf 24.14M

├──grade 4~grade 6 Level Q

| ├──Fluency Level Q - Fiction
| | ├──Dora's Time to Shine
| | ├──Robot Trouble
| | ├──The Bake Sale Battle
| | ├──The Weather Box
| | ├──Dora's Time to Shine.pdf 30.85M
| | ├──Robot Trouble.pdf 26.64M
| | ├──The Bake Sale Battle.pdf 29.15M
| | └──The Weather Box.pdf 30.52M
| ├──Fluency Level Q - Math
| | ├──Heads or Tails
| | ├──How Did They Do That
| | ├──Heads or Tails.pdf 25.36M
| | └──How Did They Do That.pdf 20.06M
| ├──Fluency Level Q - Science
| | ├──All Charged Up
| | ├──Riding on Roller Coasters
| | ├──All Charged Up.pdf 18.50M
| | └──Riding on Roller Coasters.pdf 20.54M
| └──Fluency Level Q - Social Studies
| | ├──Graciela Finds the Fair
| | ├──Shipwreck in the South China Sea
| | ├──Graciela Finds the Fair.pdf 26.78M
| | └──Shipwreck in the South China Sea.pdf 24.70M

├──grade 4~grade 6 Level R

| ├──Fluency Level R - Fiction
| | ├──Keeping up with Claire
| | ├──The Mysterious Ms. Martin
| | ├──There Are Things I Don't Know
| | ├──Under Lock and Key
| | ├──Keeping up with Claire.pdf 33.02M
| | ├──The Mysterious Ms. Martin.pdf 41.65M
| | ├──There Are Things I Don't Know.pdf 35.30M
| | └──Under Lock and Key.pdf 33.76M
| ├──Fluency Level R - Math
| | ├──Dallas Shapes Up
| | ├──I.M. Pei:A Life in Architecture
| | ├──Dallas Shapes Up.pdf 27.45M
| | └──I.M. Pei:A Life in Architecture.pdf 23.50M
| ├──Fluency Level R - Science
| | ├──Big Bend Treasure Hunt
| | ├──Swamp Explorer
| | ├──Big Bend Treasure Hunt.pdf 18.21M
| | └──Swamp Explorer.pdf 22.73M
| └──Fluency Level R - Social Studies
| | ├──All Aboard! Trains and Texas
| | ├──Two Worlds Meet:The Travels of Francisco de Coronado
| | ├──All Aboard! Trains and Texas.pdf 27.77M
| | └──Two Worlds Meet:The Travels of Francisco de Coronado.pdf 26.05M

├──grade 4~grade 6 Level S

| ├──Fluency Level S - Fiction
| | ├──No Fair
| | ├──Read All About It
| | ├──No Fair.pdf 32.25M
| | └──Read All About It.pdf 36.75M
| ├──Fluency Level S - Math
| | ├──That's About Right:A Book About Estimating
| | └──That's About Right:A Book About Estimating.pdf 22.30M
| ├──Fluency Level S - Science
| | ├──Space Mail
| | └──Space Mail.pdf 21.99M
| └──Fluency Level S - Social Studies
| | ├──Dreamers and Doers
| | └──Dreamers and Doers.pdf 26.37M

├──grade 4~grade 6 Level T

| ├──Fluency Level T - Fiction
| | ├──Lost in a Cave
| | ├──The Long Trail Home
| | ├──Lost in a Cave.pdf 62.53M
| | └──The Long Trail Home.pdf 43.01M
| ├──Fluency Level T - Math
| | ├──How's the Weather
| | └──How's the Weather.pdf 24.40M
| ├──Fluency Level T - Science
| | ├──Bugs, Beware
| | └──Bugs, Beware.pdf 25.68M
| └──Fluency Level T - Social Studies
| | ├──To Trade or Not To Trade
| | └──To Trade or Not To Trade.pdf 32.56M

└──grade K level A-B

| ├──A-fiction
| | ├──Dad and I
| | ├──My Car
| | ├──The Puppet
| | └──Where Is the Cat
| ├──A-math
| | ├──Can You See the Wagon
| | ├──Circles Everywhere
| | └──Coins
| ├──A-science
| | ├──The desert
| | ├──The forest
| | └──The monkey
| ├──A-social
| | ├──At My House
| | ├──Go,Go,Go!
| | └──My New School
| ├──B-fiction
| | ├──Here It Is
| | ├──In the Woods
| | ├──The Red Balloons
| | └──Yes, We Can
| ├──B-math
| | ├──How Many Hats
| | ├──Shapes
| | └──What Do You See
| ├──B-science
| | ├──All Kinds of Babies
| | ├──Animals Hide
| | └──I Push, I Pull
| └──B-social
| | ├──Bananas on My Table
| | ├──My Home
| | └──We Are Working


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