《Nate the Great》(BL值:2.0-3.2)
在美国,《Nate the Great 》在美国被誉为“最具开创性”的儿童小说。这种开创性是指既能开发孩子的逻辑思维,又能提高孩子兴趣,让孩子从一个又一个引人入胜的故事里,走向独立阅读。
在《Nate the great》里,你会发现他们解决的从来都不是像福尔摩斯或者柯南那样复杂难解、甚至不太适合孩子们观看的剧情,而是真正的贴近生活,通过收集各种不同的小线索,带领孩子一步一步推理,最后得出看似简单,却又深藏意义的结果。
就像其中一本《Nate the Great and the snowy trail》,文章中以Nate的朋友想送他一份生日礼物却在途中掉落,需要Nate大侦探去找到这个礼物。
《Nate the great》系列还有一个非常重要的细节,那就是,在每本故事中,都不止一个侦探故事那么简单,作者在故事讲完后,都设计了一个小彩蛋“Extra Fun Activities”。
就像《Nate the Great and the snowy trail》这本书里,便记录了这一次事件学到的东西:
这些Fun Activities,目的便是让孩子们不着痕迹地从书中学习到生活中我们容易忽略的小常识,小方法。甚至还有小猫咪杯子蛋糕的食谱!手把手教你做Cupcake~
Nate the Great,是一名侦探。
我每次都会和我的狗狗小伙伴Sludge 一起,
——/2024更新/【多课吧DOC8.com-3457】Nate the Great 小侦探内特 初章书 全网最全29本PDF+MP3音频 最具开创性的美国儿童小说 百度云网盘下载/
| ├──01 Nate the Great
| ├──02 Nate the Great Goes Undercover
| ├──03 Nate the Great and the Monster Mess
| ├──04 Nate the Great and the Halloween Hunt
| ├──05 Nate the Great and the Phony Clue
| ├──06 Nate the Great and the Crunchy Christmas
| ├──07 Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail
| ├──08 Nate the Great and the Missing Key
| ├──09 Nate the Great and the Lost List
| ├──10 Nate the Great and the Hungry Book Club
| ├──11 Nate the Great and the Sticky Case
| ├──12 Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine
| ├──13 Nate the Great and the Stolen Base
| ├──14 Nate the Great and the Boring Beach Bag
| ├──15 Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize
| ├──16 Nate the Great Talks Turkey
| ├──17 Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective
| ├──18 Nate the Great and the Big Sniff
| ├──19 Nate the Great and the Tardy Tortoise
| ├──20 Nate the Great and the Pillowcase
| ├──21 Nate the Great and the Musical Note
| ├──22 Nate the Great Goes Down in the Dumps
| ├──23 Nate the Great Stalks Stupidweed
| ├──24 Nate the Great on the Owl Express
| ├──25 Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden
| └──26 Nate the Great and Me the Case of the Fleeing Fang
├──01 Nate the Great.pdf 16.93M
├──02 Nate the Great Goes Undercover.pdf 28.19M
├──03 Nate the Great and the Monster Mess.pdf 16.08M
├──04 Nate the Great and Halloween hunt.pdf 13.38M
├──05 Nate the Great and the Phony Clue.pdf 24.38M
├──06 Nate the Great and Crunchy Christmas.pdf 1.09M
├──07 Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail.pdf 7.25M
├──08 Nate the Great and the missing key.pdf 11.90M
├──09 Nate the Great and the Lost List.pdf 4.87M
├──10 Nate the Great and the Hungry Book Club.pdf 4.45M
├──11 Nate the Great and the Sticky Case.pdf 5.69M
├──12 Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine.pdf 3.01M
├──13 Nate the Great and the Stolen Base.pdf 3.63M
├──14 Nate the Great and the Boring Beach Bag - Marjorie Weinman Sharmat.pdf 24.97M
├──15 Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize.pdf 7.88M
├──16 Nate the Great Talks Turkey.pdf 7.34M
├──17 Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective- Marjorie Weinman Sharmat.pdf 11.44M
├──18 Nate the Great and the Big Sniff- Marjorie Weinman Sharmat.pdf 43.13M
├──19 Nate the Great and the Tardy Tortoise.pdf 12.52M
├──20 Nate the Great and the Pillowcase.pdf 4.85M
├──21 Nate the Great and the Musical Note.pdf 12.02M
├──22 Nate the Great Goes Down in the Dumps.pdf 4.09M
├──23 Nate the Great Stalks Stupidweed.pdf 5.09M
├──24 Nate the Great on the Owl Express.pdf 6.04M
├──25 Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden .pdf 9.58M
├──26 The Case of the Fleeing Fang.pdf 3.95M
├──27 Nate the Great, Where Are You_ - Marjorie Weinman Sharmat.pdf 41.35M
├──28 Nate the Great and the Missing Birthday Snake.azw3 11.54M
├──29 Nate the Great and the Wandering Word.azw3 7.89M
└──Nate the Great Teachers Guide.pdf 1.53M
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