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├──Fly Guy 点读PDF
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| ├──04 There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed FLY GUY.pdf 8.65M
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├──Go Math(美国小学原版教材 数学教材)
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| | ├──05 Who Will Be My Friendsjpg_Page1].pdf 8.80M
| | ├──06 Captain Cat.pdf 11.94M
| | ├──07 Stanley.pdf 14.00M
| | ├──08 Grizzwold.pdf 52.54M
| | ├──09 Chester.pdf 11.47M
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├──Our World 美国国家地理
| ├──【1】文本
| | ├──0
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| | ├──03
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├──(Ladybird)Read it Yourself level 1 专业MP3
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| ├──02-Read it Yourself Rex the Big Dinosaur - Level 1单页.pdf 2.21M
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| ├──04-Read it Yourself Fairy Friends - Level 1.pdf 2.06M
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| ├──07-Read it Yourself Why Giraffe has a Long Neck-Level 1单页.pdf 2.14M
| ├──08-Read it Yourself Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Level 1.mp3 6.03M
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| ├──12-Read it Yourself The Ugly Duckling单页.pdf 1.55M
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├──【多课吧DOC8.com-1472】廖彩杏全集 100本英文原版可点读绘本 音频 视频 52周计划表【点读PDF MP3 MP4-44.19GB】
| ├──Week 01
| | ├──02. brown bear brown bear what do you see.pdf 11.88M
| | ├──03.The Wheels on the Bus -p.pdf 18.43M
| | └──1 My Very First Mother GOOSE 画册 有声.pdf 563.13M
| ├──Week 02
| | ├──02-2 . Five Little Monkeys Jumping On the Bed.pdf 9.24M
| | └──05 Go Away Mr Wolf.pdf 33.95M
| ├──Week 03
| | ├──03-2 Down by the Station.pdf 17.39M
| | └──03-3 .Hop on Pop.pdf 11.98M
| ├──Week 04
| | ├──04-1 Five Little Men In A Flying Saucer.pdf 24.47M
| | ├──04-2 Green Eggs and Ham.pdf 12.75M
| | └──04-3 Henny Penny.pdf 24.60M
| ├──Week 07
| | ├──07-1 Ape in A Cape An Alphabet of Odd Animals 1.pdf 3.87M
| | ├──07-2 Ten Fat Sausages.pdf 7.16M
| | └──07-3 The Very Hungry Caterpillar.pdf 10.07M
| ├──Week 08
| | ├──08-1 Hattie and the Fox.pdf 10.05M
| | ├──08-2 I Am The Music Man.pdf 14.06M
| | └──08-3 Today Is Monday.pdf 22.14M
| ├──Week 09
| | ├──09-1 Does a Kangaroo Have A Mother, Too .pdf 39.75M
| | ├──09-2 Five Little Ducks.pdf 8.38M
| | └──09-3 Fox.in.Socks.pdf 17.34M
| ├──Week 10
| | ├──10-1 Dr. Seuss - ABC.pdf 15.66M
| | ├──10-2 Dry Bones.pdf 7.29M
| | └──10-3 Go Away Big Green Monster.pdf 10.72M
| ├──Week 14
| | ├──14-1 Five Little Monkeys Sitting In A Tree.Mp3 6.44M
| | ├──14-1 Five Little Monkeys Sitting In A Tree.pdf 17.15M
| | ├──14-2 sheep in a jeep.mp3 5.16M
| | ├──14-2 Sheep in a Jeep.pdf 5.83M
| | ├──14-3 The Mixed-Up Chameleon .mp3 5.63M
| | └──14-3 The Mixed-Up Chameleon.pdf 9.79M
| ├──Week 15
| | ├──15-1 Down in the jungle.pdf 12.58M
| | ├──15-2 Goodnight Moon.pdf 10.56M
| | └──15-3 Sheep in a Shop.pdf 8.96M
| ├──Week 16
| | ├──16-1 Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.pdf 29.04M
| | ├──16-2 King Bidgoods In The Bathtub.pdf 83.02M
| | └──16-3 Rosie's Walk.pdf 4.65M
| ├──Week 17
| | ├──17-1 Color Zoo.pdf 3.89M
| | ├──17-2 The_Napping_House.pdf 9.54M
| | └──17-3 we all go travelling by.pdf 17.98M
| ├──Week 20
| | ├──20-1 Creep Crawly Calypso.pdf 12.46M
| | ├──20-2 Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear.pdf 10.67M
| | └──20-3 We're Going on a Bear Hunt.pdf 17.85M
| ├──Week 21
| | ├──21-1 Guess How Much I Love You.pdf 19.65M
| | ├──21-2 The Very Quiet Cricket.pdf 11.94M
| | └──21-3 Walking through the Jungle.pdf 27.74M
| ├──Week 22
| | ├──22-1 Is_Your_Mama_a_Llama.pdf 22.11M
| | ├──22-2 Animal Boogie.pdf 27.47M
| | └──The_foot_book.pdf 14.23M
| ├──Week 23
| | ├──23-1 Kipper's A to Z.pdf 22.58M
| | ├──23-2 One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.pdf 11.22M
| | └──23-3 1The Journey Home From Grandpa.pdf 21.51M
| ├──Week 27
| | ├──27-1 Chicken Soup With Rice.pdf 8.68M
| | ├──27-2 On Market Street.pdf 19.31M
| | └──27-3 SILLY SALLY.pdf 9.57M
| ├──Week 28
| | ├──28-1 Each Peach Pear Plum(1).pdf 8.52M
| | ├──28-2 Papa Please Get The Moon For Me.pdf 4.32M
| | └──28-3 Quick As A Cricket.pdf 6.90M
| ├──Week 29
| | ├──29-1 Eating the Alphabet:Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z.pdf 72.65M
| | ├──29-2 See you later Alligator.pdf 6.20M
| | └──29-3 The Princess and the Dragon.pdf 23.41M
| ├──Week 30
| | ├──30-1 I Am an Apple.pdf 12.17M
| | ├──30-2 I'm a Caterpillar.pdf 24.66M
| | └──30-3 The Little Mouse, The Red Pipe Strawberry,and The Big Hungry Bear.PDF 20.90M
| ├──Week 33
| | ├──33-1 A Dragon on the Doorstep.pdf 32.82M
| | ├──33-2 Alligators All Around:An Alphabet.pdf 8.37M
| | └──33-3 I Am a Seed.pdf 12.19M
| ├──Week 34
| | ├──34-1 I Am a Star.pdf 12.47M
| | ├──34-2 Maisy Goes Camping.pdf 27.22M
| | └──34-3 The_Itsy_Bisty_Spider.pdf 3.69M
| ├──Week 35
| | ├──35-1 I Am Snow.pdf 14.69M
| | ├──35-2 I Am Water.pdf 10.36M
| | └──35-3 Maisy's Christmas Eve.pdf 24.51M
| ├──Week 36
| | ├──36-1 I Am A Leaf.pdf 14.29M
| | ├──36-2 I Am Fire.pdf 12.49M
| | └──36-3 Over In The Meadow.pdf 11.88M
| ├──Week 40
| | ├──40-1 Do You Want to Be My Friend?.pdf 15.63M
| | ├──40-2 I Am a Rock.pdf 14.90M
| | ├──40-3 I Am Planet Earth.pdf 12.17M
| | └──40-4 Row Row Row Your Boat.pdf 5.02M
| ├──Week 41
| | ├──41-1 Handa's Surprise.pdf 44.29M
| | └──44-4 What's The Time, Mr. Wolf?.pdf 9.77M
| ├──Week 42
| | ├──42-3 Tomorrow's Alphabet.pdf 8.51M
| | └──42-4 Where's My Teddy?.pdf 19.05M
| ├──Week 43
| | ├──43-2 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.pdf 8.86M
| | └──43-3 Owl Babies.pdf 7.07M
| ├──Week 46
| | ├──46-1 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.pdf 7.73M
| | ├──46-2 If You Take A Mouse To School.pdf 6.31M
| | └──46-4 Mouse Paint.pdf 4.00M
| ├──Week 47
| | ├──47-1 Curious George Learns the Alphabet.pdf 58.86M
| | ├──47-2 If The Dinosaurs Came Back.pdf 24.23M
| | ├──47-3 Kipper's Monster.pdf 23.67M
| | └──47-4 Madeline.pdf 13.82M
| ├──Week 48
| | ├──48-1 M NM.pdf 13.68M
| | ├──48-2 The Blue Balloon.pdf 8.89M
| | └──48-3 The Runaway Bunny.pdf 11.85M
| ├──Week 49
| | ├──49-1 Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type .pdf 17.10M
| | └──49-3 Noisy Nora.pdf 9.52M
| └──廖彩杏1-4阶
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| | ├──第2阶段
| | ├──廖彩杏 视频
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| | ├──廖彩杏第4阶段(40-52周)30本(6本绝版)
| | └──廖彩杏书单点读版 第1周-第52周
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| | ├──0001.网易-理解指数.flv 3.44M
| | ├──0001.网易-理解指数.srt 3.68kb
| | ├──0002.网易-理解指数2.flv 1.89M
| | ├──0002.网易-理解指数2.srt 2.09kb
| | ├──0003.网易-指数第一级.flv 28.76M
| | ├──0003.网易-指数第一级.srt 20.25kb
| | ├──0004.网易-指数第二级.flv 15.46M
| | ├──0004.网易-指数第二级.srt 12.01kb
| | ├──0005.网易-指数第三级.flv 23.06M
| | ├──0005.网易-指数第三级.srt 11.02kb
| | ├──0006.网易-指数法则1.flv 24.97M
| | ├──0006.网易-指数法则1.srt 18.56kb
| | ├──0007.网易-指数法则2.flv 27.92M
| | ├──0007.网易-指数法则2.srt 13.77kb
| | └──观看视频说明.txt 0.52kb
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| | ├──视频
| | ├──字幕
| | └──观看视频说明.txt 0.52kb
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| ├──3、可汗学院公开课 数学 算术与代数预备课程 计算顺序 4集
| | ├──视频
| | ├──字幕
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| ├──4、可汗学院公开课 数学 视频 算术与代数预备课程 小数 35集
| | ├──视频
| | ├──字幕
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| ├──5、可汗学院公开课:算术与代数预备课程:约数与倍数 11集
| | ├──0001.网易-质数.flv 20.35M
| | ├──0001.网易-质数.srt 17.31kb
| | ├──0002.网易-判断质数.flv 11.55M
| | ├──0002.网易-判断质数.srt 8.21kb
| | ├──0003.网易-判断整除.flv 19.40M
| | ├──0003.网易-判断整除.srt 12.38kb
| | ├──0004.网易-共同整除的例题.flv 16.00M
| | ├──0004.网易-共同整除的例题.srt 16.01kb
| | ├──0005.网易-找一个数的因数.flv 24.83M
| | ├──0005.网易-找一个数的因数.srt 21.54kb
| | ├──0006.网易-质因数分解.flv 10.11M
| | ├──0006.网易-质因数分解.srt 8.69kb
| | ├──0007.网易-最小公倍数.flv 12.42M
| | ├──0007.网易-最小公倍数.srt 8.47kb
| | ├──0008.网易-最小公倍数(LCM).flv 15.93M
| | ├──0008.网易-最小公倍数(LCM).srt 10.64kb
| | ├──0009.网易-最大公约数.flv 12.28M
| | ├──0009.网易-最大公约数.srt 13.23kb
| | ├──0010.网易-代数表达式的最小公倍数.flv 10.87M
| | ├──0010.网易-代数表达式的最小公倍数.srt 9.27kb
| | ├──0011.网易-3的整除性质.flv 9.70M
| | └──0011.网易-3的整除性质.srt 10.96kb
| ├──6、可汗学院公开课 数学 视频 算术与代数预备课程 数的性质 17集
| | ├──视频
| | ├──字幕
| | └──观看视频说明.txt 0.52kb
| ├──7、算术与代数预备课程:负数-8集
| | ├──[第1集] 负数介绍.mp4 15.92M
| | ├──[第2集] 负数的大小排序.mp4 3.71M
| | ├──[第3集] 加负数.mp4 7.94M
| | ├──[第4集] 加不同符号的数.mp4 7.11M
| | ├──[第5集] 加减负数.mp4 18.58M
| | ├──[第6集] 正数和负数相乘.mp4 8.33M
| | ├──[第7集] 正数和负数除法.mp4 6.79M
| | ├──[第8集] 为什么负数乘以负数得到正数.mp4 11.66M
| | └──观看视频说明.txt 0.52kb
| ├──8、可汗学院公开课 数学 算术与代数预备课程 分数 52集
| | ├──视频
| | ├──字幕
| | └──观看视频说明.txt 0.52kb
| └──9、可汗学院公开课 数学 算术与代数预备课程 比率与比例 17集
| | ├──视频
| | ├──字幕
| | └──观看视频说明.txt 0.52kb
├──【多课吧DOC8.com-1573】大英图解科学全集 Britannica Illustrated Science Library 英国小学科学百科读物 百度网盘 高清PDF-296MB
| └──Britannica Illustrated Science Library
| | ├──BISL 01 - Universe.pdf 21.88M
| | ├──BISL 02 - Rocks and Minerals.pdf 23.08M
| | ├──BISL 03 - Volcanoes and Earthquakes.pdf 24.70M
| | ├──BISL 04 - Weather and Climate.pdf 12.02M
| | ├──BISL 05 - Evolution and Genetics.pdf 9.55M
| | ├──BISL 06 - Plants, Algae and Fungi.pdf 29.48M
| | ├──BISL 07 - Invertebrates.pdf 11.60M
| | ├──BISL 08 - Fish and Amphibians.pdf 11.61M
| | ├──BISL 09 - Reptiles and Dinosaurs.pdf 28.37M
| | ├──BISL 10 - Birds.pdf 28.14M
| | ├──BISL 11 - Mammals.pdf 24.79M
| | ├──BISL 12 - Human Body 01.pdf 18.10M
| | ├──BISL 13 - Human Body 02.pdf 6.94M
| | ├──BISL 14 - Energy and Movement.pdf 21.16M
| | ├──BISL 15 - Technology.pdf 14.24M
| | ├──BISL 16 - Space Exploration.pdf 10.80M
| | └──info.txt 1.15kb
├──【多课吧DOC8.com-930】美国斯考特福斯曼全集 SCOTT FORESMAN分级阅读原版教材GK-G6全套1700本 内嵌音频可点读PDF【点读PDF-5.8GB】
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| | ├──G1.Leveled.Science.Readers
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| ├──SCOTT_grade_2
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| ├──SCOTT_grade_3
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| ├──SCOTT_grade_4
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| | ├──G4 Leveled Readers
| | ├──G4 Leveled Science Readers
| | ├──G4 Science
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| ├──SCOTT_grade_5
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| | ├──G5 Social Studies Leveled Readers
| | └──G5 Science SE(Student Edition).pdf 115.32M
| ├──SCOTT_grade_6
| | ├──G6 ELL Readers
| | ├──G6 Leveled Readers
| | ├──G6 Leveled Science Readers
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| └──SCOTT_grade_K
| | ├──K Decodable Readers
| | ├──K Emergent Readers
| | ├──K Leveled Readers
| | ├──K Leveled Science Readers
| | ├──K On-Level Readers
| | └──K Social Studies Leveled Readers
| ├──1-10
| | ├──01. John Grisham - Theodore Boone Series
| | ├──02. Arthur Hailey novels
| | ├──03.magic tree house
| | ├──04. Everything I Never Told You
| | ├──05. Flipped
| | ├──07. Shit My Dad Says
| | ├──08. Different Seasons - Stephen King
| | ├──09. The House on Mango Street
| | └──10. Sophie's World
| ├──11-20
| | ├──11. The Diary of a Young Girl
| | ├──12. My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry
| | ├──13. Atonement
| | ├──14. Jodi Picoult
| | ├──15. Rich People Problems
| | ├──16. 11-22-63
| | ├──17. Steve Sheinkin
| | ├──18. The Wars of Roses
| | ├──19. The Client and Apt Pupil
| | └──20. A Beautiful Mind
| └──21-30
| | ├──21. Anne of Green Gables
| | ├──23. Discworld
| | ├──24. Revolutionary Road
| | ├──25. Heidi
| | ├──26. A History of the World in 100 Objects
| | ├──27. Creativity, Inc
| | ├──28. Newbery Medal Winner and Honor Books
| | ├──29. Five Days at Memorial
| | └──30. Ray Bradbury
| ├──1 Goodnight moon_Password_Removed.pdf 7.77M
| ├──10 Where Is the Green Sheep_Password_Removed.pdf 3.35M
| ├──13 Scaredy Squirre_Password_Removed.pdf 5.41M
| ├──15 Olivia_Password_Removed.pdf 5.33M
| ├──16 Lost and Found_Password_Removed.pdf 23.51M
| ├──17 In the Night Kitchen_Password_Removed.pdf 7.73M
| ├──18 Miss Nelson is Missing!_pdf_Password_Removed.pdf 8.72M
| ├──19 George and Martha_Password_Removed.pdf 14.13M
| ├──2 Good Night,Gorilla1_Password_Removed.pdf 12.53M
| ├──20 Kitten’s First Full Moon_Password_Removed.pdf 4.05M
| ├──21 Green Eggs and Ham_Password_Removed.pdf 11.05M
| ├──22 Go,Dog.Go!_Password_Removed.pdf 7.71M
| ├──23 Hop on Pop_Password_Removed.pdf 12.53M
| ├──24 Joseph Had a Little Overcoat_Password_Removed.pdf 16.73M
| ├──25 NO David!_Password_Removed.pdf 21.33M
| ├──26 We are Going on a Bear Hunt_Password_Removed.pdf 9.69M
| ├──28 The Napping House_Password_Removed.pdf 12.98M
| ├──29 How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night_Password_Removed.pdf 6.21M
| ├──31 Are You My Mother?_Password_Removed.pdf 7.68M
| ├──32 Guess How Much I Love You_Password_Removed.pdf 6.97M
| ├──33 The Runaway Bunny_Password_Removed.pdf 9.28M
| ├──34 Llama Llama Red Pajama_Password_Removed.pdf 6.36M
| ├──35 Is Your Mama a Llama_Password_Removed.pdf 12.50M
| ├──36 The Little Mouse,The Red Ripe Strawberry,and THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR_Password_Removed.pdf 7.01M
| ├──37 Go Away Big Green Monster_Password_Removed.pdf 3.05M
| ├──38 The Very Hungry Caterpillar_Password_Removed.pdf 29.63M
| ├──39 The Very Quiet Cricket_Password_Removed.pdf 8.48M
| ├──4 Knuffle Bunny_Password_Removed.pdf 2.00M
| ├──40 Snow Day_Password_Removed.pdf 7.72M
| ├──41 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom_Password_Removed.pdf 2.42M
| ├──43 The Kissing Hand_Password_Removed.pdf 6.42M
| ├──44 Where the Wild Things Are-Maurice_Sendak_Password_Removed.pdf 15.99M
| ├──45 Love You Forever_Password_Removed.pdf 4.67M
| ├──46 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie_Password_Removed.pdf 13.46M
| ├──47 Harold and the Purple Crayon_Password_Removed.pdf 10.18M
| ├──48 Diary of a Worm_Password_Removed.pdf 22.07M
| ├──49 Not a Box_Password_Removed.pdf 2.81M
| ├──5 Bark,George_Password_Removed.pdf 7.31M
| ├──51 Emily Jenkins - Five Creatures_Password_Removed.pdf 7.20M
| ├──6 Click,Clack,Moo Crows That Type_Password_Removed.pdf 14.12M
| ├──7 Brown Bear_Password_Removed.pdf 5.91M
| ├──8 Sheep in a Jeep_Password_Removed.pdf 10.56M
| ├──9 One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish_Password_Removed.pdf 14.65M
| ├──A.J. Ayer - Hume; A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions #33)_Password_Removed.pdf
| ├──eusb0x_Password_Removed.pdf 152.81M
| ├──eusb1x_Password_Removed.pdf 128.12M
| ├──eusb2x_Password_Removed.pdf 153.82M
| ├──eusb3x_Password_Removed.pdf 185.83M
| ├──eusb4x_Password_Removed.pdf 149.32M
| ├──eusb5x_Password_Removed.pdf 196.08M
| ├──eusb6x_Password_Removed.pdf 164.03M
| ├──lgsb0x_Password_Removed.pdf 115.69M
| ├──lgsb1x_Password_Removed.pdf 143.93M
| ├──lgsb2x_Password_Removed.pdf 143.85M
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| ├──lgsb4x_Password_Removed.pdf 168.68M
| ├──lgsb5x_Password_Removed.pdf 138.40M
| └──lgsb6x_Password_Removed.pdf 138.13M
| ├──国家地理儿童百科流利级
| | ├──国际地理流利级的练习册
| | ├──国家地理儿童百科流利级英文教学指导
| | ├──流利级MP3
| | ├──流利级PDF
| | └──评估手册
| ├──国家地理儿童百科入门级
| | ├──国家地理儿童百科--入门级全套24本(PDF+MP3)
| | └──练习册(练习册的音频和课本的音频在一起)
| └──国家地理儿童百科提高级
| | ├──01 I Can Breathe Underwater 我能在水下呼吸
| | ├──02 A Frog Has a Sticky Tongue 青蛙有条黏舌头
| | ├──03 What Color Is the Sky 天空是什么颜色的?
| | ├──04 Mud,Mud,Mud 泥浆
| | ├──05 Cooking Dinner 做晚餐
| | ├──06 Class Teddy Bear 班级里的玩具熊
| | ├──07 Jobs Making and Helping 工作:制造和服务
| | ├──08 A Good Place to Live 一个好居所
| | ├──09 Seeds Grow into Plants 种子长成植物
| | ├──10 Zoo Map 动物园地图
| | ├──11 Plants on My Plate 盘中的蔬菜
| | ├──12 Hairy Harry 长毛哈里
| | ├──13 Water,Land,and Air 水、陆地和空气
| | ├──14 On the Moon 在月球上
| | ├──15 The Earth 地球
| | ├──16 What's Inside 里面有什么?
| | ├──17 The Park 公园
| | ├──18 Class Rules 课堂制度
| | ├──19 Weather Today 今日天气
| | ├──20 School Today and Long Ago 学校的现在和过去
| | ├──21 What's on the Ships 轮船上装的是什么?
| | ├──22 Popcorn and Candy 爆米花和糖果
| | ├──23 Animal Armor 动物的盔甲
| | ├──24 People Live in the Desert 在沙漠中生存
| | ├──评估手册mp3
| | └──提高级练习册
| ├──【可点读】《美国国家地理幼儿版》2013年1月和2月.pdf 4.00M
| ├──【可点读】《美国国家地理幼儿版》2013年3月.pdf 3.98M
| └──【可鼠标点读】《美国国家地理幼儿版》 2013年4月.pdf 3.07M
├──杰克和吉尔Jack and Jills
| └──Jack and Jills 全九套 PDF MP3.rar 300.79M
| └──兰登书屋123级全资料
| | ├──activity pack
| | ├──兰登1
| | ├──兰登书屋第二阶
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| ├──Houghton Mifflin others.rar 918.22M
| ├──Houghton Mifflin Social Studies G1-G5.rar 333.34M
| ├──Houghton Mifflin 词汇阅读 MP3 GK-G6.rar 752.03M
| ├──Houghton Mifflin 词汇阅读 PDF GK-G6.rar 289.92M
| └──Houghton Mifflin 词汇阅读 点读版.rar 395.14M
├──美国小学社会科学(社会学) 教材Timelinks全套 幼儿园、小学1-6年级系统 可点读版
| ├──G1
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-科学G1.rar 342.56M
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-社会学G1.rar 96.20M
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-阅读G1.rar 308.99M
| | ├──Timelinks教师用书G1.rar 164.73M
| | ├──TimeLinks配套资源G1.rar 141.14M
| | └──Timelinks学生用书G1.rar 185.39M
| ├──G2
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-科学G2.rar 601.42M
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-社会学G2.rar 810.30M
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-阅读G2.rar 815.96M
| | ├──Timelinks教师用书G2.rar 46.09M
| | ├──TimeLinks配套资源G2.rar 109.34M
| | └──Timelinks学生用书G2.rar 188.02M
| ├──G3
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-科学G3.rar 910.48M
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-社会学G3.rar 601.88M
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-阅读G3.rar 908.19M
| | ├──Timelinks教师用书G3.rar 205.66M
| | ├──TimeLinks配套资源G3.rar 109.66M
| | └──Timelinks学生用书G3.rar 322.52M
| ├──G4
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-科学G4.rar 1.10G
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-社会学G4.rar 525.08M
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-阅读G4.rar 1.10G
| | ├──Timelinks教师用书G4.rar 221.89M
| | ├──TimeLinks配套资源G4.rar 39.60M
| | └──Timelinks学生用书G4.rar 443.72M
| ├──G5
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-科学G5.rar 1.31G
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-社会学G5.rar 366.95M
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-阅读G5.rar 1.36G
| | ├──Timelinks教师用书G5.rar 299.49M
| | ├──TimeLinks配套资源G5.rar 85.42M
| | └──Timelinks学生用书G5.rar 858.45M
| ├──G6
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-科学G6.rar 1.18G
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| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-阅读G6.rar 1.19G
| | ├──Timelinks教师用书G6.rar 286.68M
| | ├──TimeLinks配套资源G6.rar 106.01M
| | └──Timelinks学生用书G6.rar 937.32M
| └──GK
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-科学GK.rar 144.98M
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-社会学GK.rar 94.15M
| | ├──Timelinks分级阅读-阅读GK.rar 267.17M
| | ├──Timelinks教师用书GK.rar 29.15M
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| | ├──ps6th
| | ├──第1级
| | ├──第2级
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| | ├──第4级
| | ├──第5级
| | ├──培生儿童英语分级阅读 第07辑
| | ├──培生儿童英语分级阅读 第08辑
| | ├──培生儿童英语分级阅读 第09辑
| | ├──培生儿童英语分级阅读 第10辑
| | ├──培生儿童英语分级阅读 第11辑
| | └──培生儿童英语分级阅读 第12辑
| ├──培生语法和写作(6-12岁)
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| ├──培生预备级
| | ├──培生英语预备级A4四分之一小册子版
| | ├──培生英语预备级A4四分之一小册子版六合一
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| | ├──培生英语预备级音频
| | ├──培生预备级CD-1.dab 7.97M
| | └──培生预备级CD-2.dab 21.10M
| └──培生阅读英语1-4级
| | ├──培生分级1
| | ├──培生分级2
| | ├──培生分级3
| | └──培生分级4
├──汽车镇的故事有声PDF+mp3适合3-7岁(Trucktown on Reading Street)原版有声绘本K级36册
| ├──点读版PDF文档
| | ├──01_Jack_and_Max.pdf 2.04M
| | ├──02_Melvin.pdf 1.49M
| | ├──03_Pete.pdf 2.18M
| | ├──04_Pat.pdf 1.80M
| | ├──05_Zoom!.pdf 1.60M
| | ├──06_Ted.pdf 1.78M
| | ├──07_The_Mat.pdf 1.69M
| | ├──08_Melvin_Sat.pdf 1.95M
| | ├──09_Rosie.pdf 1.74M
| | ├──10_The_Cap.pdf 1.79M
| | ├──11_Pete_Can_Dig.pdf 1.91M
| | ├──12_Tires.pdf 1.93M
| | ├──13_Lucy_Can_Nap.pdf 1.78M
| | ├──14_Rita_Ran_to_Rosie.pdf 1.85M
| | ├──15_The_Dip.pdf 1.77M
| | ├──16_Can_Melvin_Scoot.pdf 1.72M
| | ├──17_Can_Max_Go.pdf 2.08M
| | ├──18_Go_and_Stop.pdf 1.76M
| | ├──19_Hot!.pdf 1.71M
| | ├──20_Are_You_Like_Gabriella.pdf 2.04M
| | ├──21_Jack_Is_It!.pdf 1.91M
| | ├──22_Can_Big_Rig_Pass.pdf 1.77M
| | ├──23_The_Best_Smell.pdf 1.98M
| | ├──24_A_Big_Red_Sled.pdf 1.67M
| | ├──25_Blue.pdf 1.72M
| | ├──26_The_Yellow_Box.pdf 1.90M
| | ├──27_The_Tank.pdf 1.62M
| | ├──28_Bump!.pdf 2.21M
| | ├──29_Putt!.pdf 1.83M
| | ├──30_Yes!.pdf 1.85M
| | ├──31_A_Nap.pdf 1.63M
| | ├──32_Max_the_Hot_Rod.pdf 1.93M
| | ├──33_A_Big_Dent.pdf 1.74M
| | ├──34_Mud_Fun.pdf 1.75M
| | ├──35_Spin!.pdf 1.94M
| | ├──36_Big_Rosie.pdf 1.78M
| | └──guide.pdf 132.99kb
| └──独立MP3音频
| | ├──01
| | ├──02
| | ├──03
| | ├──04
| | ├──05
| | ├──06
| | ├──07
| | ├──08
| | ├──09
| | ├──10
| | ├──11
| | ├──12
| | ├──13
| | ├──14
| | ├──15
| | ├──16
| | ├──17
| | ├──18
| | ├──19
| | ├──20
| | ├──21
| | ├──22
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| | ├──24
| | ├──25
| | ├──26
| | ├──27
| | ├──28
| | ├──29
| | ├──30
| | ├──31
| | ├──32
| | ├──33
| | ├──34
| | ├──35
| | └──36
├──神奇树屋 (40册)
| ├──01, Dinosaurs Before Dark.pdf 12.51M
| ├──02, The Knight at Dawn.pdf 19.72M
| ├──03, Mummies in the Morning.pdf 19.56M
| ├──04, Pirates Past Noon.pdf 22.20M
| ├──05, Night of the Ninjas.pdf 28.11M
| ├──06, Afternoon on the Amazon.pdf 26.45M
| ├──07, Sunset of the Sabertooth.pdf 37.85M
| ├──08, Midnight on the Moon.pdf 29.18M
| ├──09, Dolphins at Daybreak.pdf 34.34M
| ├──10, Ghost Town at Sundown.pdf 42.20M
| ├──11, Lions at Lunchtime.pdf 34.71M
| ├──12, Polar Bears Past Bedtime.pdf 33.59M
| ├──13, Vacation Under the Volcano.pdf 50.47M
| ├──14, Day of the Dragon King.pdf 39.93M
| ├──15, Viking Ships at Sunrise.pdf 41.22M
| ├──16, Hour of the Olympics.pdf 39.28M
| ├──17, Sea Monsters.pdf 31.36M
| ├──18, Buffalo Before Breakfast.pdf 18.82M
| ├──19, Tigers at Twilight.pdf 17.72M
| ├──20, Dingoes at Dinnertime.pdf 17.76M
| ├──21, Civil War on Sunday.pdf 18.98M
| ├──22, Revolutionary War on Wednesday.pdf 17.80M
| ├──23, Twister on Tuesday.pdf 17.57M
| ├──24, Earthquake in the Early Morning.pdf 19.77M
| ├──25, Stage Fright on a Summer Night.pdf 47.26M
| ├──26, Good Morning Gorillas.pdf 44.14M
| ├──27, Thanksgiving on Thursday.pdf 45.37M
| ├──28, High Tide in Hawaii.pdf 40.16M
| ├──29, Christmas in Camelot.pdf 50.87M
| ├──30, Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve.pdf 75.69M
| ├──31, Summer of the Sea Serpent.pdf 68.56M
| ├──32, Winter of the Ice Wizard.pdf 41.75M
| ├──33, Carnival at Candlelight.pdf 93.59M
| ├──34,Season of the Sandstorm.pdf 70.38M
| ├──35, Night of the New Magicians.pdf 68.30M
| ├──36, Blizzard of the Blue Moon.pdf 77.92M
| ├──37,Dragon of the Red Dawn.pdf 69.69M
| ├──38,Monday with a Mad Genius.pdf 56.03M
| ├──39,Dark Day in the Deep Sea.pdf 68.80M
| ├──40, Eve of the Emperor Penguin.pdf 82.98M
| ├──41, Moonlight on the Magic Flute.pdf 40.97M
| ├──42,A Good Night for Ghosts.pdf 90.81M
| ├──43, Leprechaun in Late Winter.pdf 43.30M
| ├──44, A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time.pdf 79.80M
| ├──45, A Crazy Day With Cobras.pdf 90.34M
| ├──46, Dogs in the Dead of Night.pdf 43.74M
| ├──47, Lincoln at Last!.pdf 56.34M
| └──48, A Perfect Time for Pandas.pdf 175.16M
├──我的第一个图书馆套装 50册PDF+音频
| └──My First Reading Library
| | └──My First Reading Library第一图书馆
└──最强DK(Dorling Kindersley)百科全书 560本精美英文绘本
| ├──DK 24Hours
| | ├──Arctic-2007.pdf 16.41M
| | ├──Desert-2006.pdf 11.13M
| | ├──Mountain-2007.pdf 26.01M
| | └──Rain_Forest-2006.pdf 11.07M
| ├──Dk Animal Science动物系列读本
| | ├──DK See How They Grow
| | ├──1001_Facts_About_Dinosaurs-2002.pdf 5.98M
| | ├──Amazing_Animals_Q.&.A-2007.pdf 33.02M
| | ├──animals-2006.pdf 3.66M
| | ├──Animals_around_the_world-2009.pdf 82.81M
| | ├──Animals_Look!.pdf 1.21M
| | ├──Animals_Up_Close-2009.pdf 39.13M
| | ├──Animal_Senses.pdf 1.32M
| | ├──ask_a_Bug-2011.pdf 10.24M
| | ├──At_the_Beach.pdf 1.70M
| | ├──Baby_Animals-2007.pdf 12.41M
| | ├──Birds_of_the_World-1993.pdf 59.51M
| | ├──complete_horse_care_manual-2011.pdf 26.89M
| | ├──Dangerous_Dinosaurs_Q.&.A.pdf 44.73M
| | ├──Dinosaurs-2007.pdf 4.85M
| | ├──Dinosaurs_Eye_to_Eye-2010.pdf 40.88M
| | ├──Dinosaur_Atlas-2006.pdf 128.89M
| | ├──Everything_on_Earth_-2009.pdf 75.23M
| | ├──Everything_You_Need_to_Know_About_Frogs_and_Other_Slippery_Creatures-2011.pdf 13.73M
| | ├──Farm-2006.pdf 8.04M
| | ├──Guide_to_Birds-2004.pdf 10.33M
| | ├──Guide_to_Dinosaurs-2000.pdf 22.95M
| | ├──Guide_to_Mammals-2003.pdf 10.59M
| | ├──Incredible_Insects_Q_&_A-2009.pdf 20.28M
| | ├──Nature_Encyclopedia-2006.pdf 81.82M
| | ├──Ocean-The_World__s_Last_Wilderness_Revealed-2008.pdf 203.60M
| | ├──Reptiles-2005.pdf 9.48M
| | └──Sea_Creatures-2005.pdf 3.07M
| ├──DK Art
| | ├──Art_Deco(COLLECTOR’S_GUIDES)-2005.pdf 32.84M
| | ├──Art_Explained-2007.pdf 78.86M
| | ├──Children__s_Book_of_Art-2009.pdf 44.19M
| | ├──Children__s_Illustrated_Dictionary-2009.pdf 30.99M
| | ├──Children__s_Illustrated_Encyclopedia-2010.pdf 291.45M
| | ├──I_Can_Draw_Magical_Creatures-2006.pdf 19.17M
| | ├──The_Art_of_Digita_Photography-2006.pdf 87.91M
| | └──The_Book_of_Photography-2005.pdf 23.91M
| ├──DK Cooking and food烹饪与美食
| | ├──Cook_it_Together-2009.pdf 9.56M
| | ├──Cook_the_Perfect-2007.pdf 10.82M
| | ├──Cook_Up_a_Feast-2010.pdf 19.07M
| | ├──Curry_Cuisine-2006(1).pdf 35.38M
| | ├──First_Meals_Food_Diary-2008.pdf 6.25M
| | ├──Fun_to_Cook-2001.pdf 59.50M
| | ├──how_to_Cook-2011.pdf 22.75M
| | ├──Kids_Fun_And_Healthy_Cookbook-2007.pdf 46.50M
| | ├──Spain_and_the_World_Table-2008.pdf 26.35M
| | ├──Street_Food-2007.pdf 28.34M
| | ├──the_Beer_book-2008.pdf 18.05M
| | ├──The_Children__s_Baking_Book-2009.pdf 35.97M
| | ├──The_Diabetes_Cookbook-2010.pdf 9.13M
| | ├──The_Kitchen_Garden_Cookbook-2011.pdf 37.24M
| | └──the_New_Sotheby__s_Wine_Encyclopedia-2005.pdf 43.75M
| ├──DK ELT
| | ├──Animals_Look!.pdf 1.21M
| | ├──Animal_Senses.pdf 1.32M
| | └──At_the_Beach.pdf 1.70M
| ├──DK Essential Managers
| | ├──Achieve_Your_Goals-2006.pdf 13.53M
| | ├──Achieving_High_Performance-2009.pdf 2.55M
| | ├──Dealing_with_E-Mail-2003.pdf 1.90M
| | ├──Doing_Business_in_India-2008.pdf 2.35M
| | ├──Green_Business-2008.pdf 2.92M
| | ├──Improving_Your_Memory-2008.pdf 2.60M
| | ├──Leadership-2008.pdf 2.35M
| | ├──Manage_Your_Time-2006.pdf 8.00M
| | ├──Managing_Budgets-2011.pdf 1.09M
| | ├──Managing_People-1999.pdf 1.20M
| | ├──Motivate_People-2007.pdf 12.07M
| | ├──Perfect_Your_Presentations-2006.pdf 25.57M
| | ├──Positive_Thinking-2008.pdf 5.19M
| | ├──Presenting-2008.pdf 7.14M
| | ├──Project_Management-2010.pdf 5.65M
| | ├──Quantum_Physics-2002.pdf 10.42M
| | ├──Selling-2009.pdf 4.32M
| | ├──Strategic_Management-2009.pdf 2.08M
| | ├──Succeed_at_Negotiating_-2006.pdf 17.06M
| | └──Understand_Selling_-2006.pdf 11.15M
| ├──DK Experience
| | ├──Extreme_Weather-2007.pdf 31.89M
| | ├──Pyramid-2006.pdf 23.55M
| | └──Volcano-2006.pdf 33.03M
| ├──DK Eyewitness 1
| | ├──Africa-2000.pdf 25.15M
| | ├──American_Revolution-2002.pdf 18.77M
| | ├──Amphibian-2005.pdf 31.81M
| | ├──Ancient_China-2005.pdf 48.59M
| | ├──Ancient_Egypt(_Experts_)-2007.pdf 26.75M
| | ├──Ancient_Egypt-1990.pdf 10.16M
| | ├──Ancient_Greece-2007.pdf 7.88M
| | ├──Ancient_Rome-2008.pdf 27.77M
| | ├──Arctic_&.Antarctic-1997.pdf 8.45M
| | ├──Arms_and_Armor-2011.pdf 14.80M
| | ├──Art-2005.pdf 22.21M
| | ├──Astrology-2007.pdf 41.55M
| | ├──astronomy-2008.pdf 25.40M
| | ├──Aztec,_Inca_&_Maya-2011.pdf 50.36M
| | ├──Baseball-2005.pdf 39.50M
| | ├──Bird(Expert)-2007.pdf 24.48M
| | ├──Bird-2008.pdf 18.03M
| | ├──Boat-1992.pdf 17.55M
| | ├──Butterfly_and_moth-2000.pdf 16.88M
| | ├──Car-2005.pdf 16.70M
| | ├──Castillos-2004.pdf 27.10M
| | ├──Castle-2008.pdf 27.06M
| | ├──Cat-2004.pdf 55.18M
| | ├──Christianity-2006.pdf 7.73M
| | ├──City-2011.pdf 45.87M
| | ├──Civil_War-2000.pdf 5.85M
| | ├──Classical_Music-2005.pdf 68.39M
| | ├──Climate_Change-2008.pdf 40.72M
| | ├──Cowboy-2000.pdf 28.05M
| | ├──Crime_and_Detection-2005.pdf 17.57M
| | ├──Crystal_&_Gem-2007.pdf 24.11M
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| | ├──The_Most_Fantastic_Atlas_of_the_Whole_Wide_World-2008.pdf 23.74M
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| | ├──Energy(see_yourself)-2007.pdf 30.03M
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| | ├──One_Million_Things__-A_Visual_Encyclopedia-2008.pdf 124.05M
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| | ├──The_Practical_Naturalist-2010.pdf 53.69M
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| | ├──Baby__s_First_Skills-2009.pdf 6.15M
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| | ├──First_Aid_Manual-2002.pdf 14.27M
| | ├──Go_Golf-2006.pdf 32.48M
| | ├──Home_Emergency_Guide-2002.pdf 15.19M
| | ├──I_Love_Yoga-2006.pdf 2.22M
| | ├──Learn_to_Swim-2005.pdf 14.08M
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| | ├──Do_Not_Open_An_Encyclopedia_of_the_World__s_Best-Kept_Secrets-2010.pdf 57.97M
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| | ├──I__m_a_Mom!_-2007.pdf 14.64M
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| | ├──My_First_Book_of_Time-2007.pdf 16.86M
| | ├──Please_and_Thank_You-2007.pdf 16.15M
| | ├──See_How_It__s_Made-2007.pdf 46.58M
| | ├──Starting_Solids_-2010.pdf 7.97M
| | ├──The_Babysense_Secret-2010.pdf 14.04M
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